
Quand la classe chante en anglais  : 


Hello Boys and Girls

Here's a little song to sing on this wet Wednesday afternoon and a Tongue-twister to say.

The song is about a BUS, and the tongue-twister about a LORRY.

There are also TWO colouring pages for you.

Have fun singing and colouring with mummy and daddy

Thinking of you


*The song https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/fr/songs/the-wheels-the-bus

*The tongue-twister https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/tongue-twisters/red-lorry-

The word of the day mummies and daddies is ...  ONLINE


Good morning Mummies and Daddies,

I hope my nineteenth letter finds you all in good spirits.

It's been a long, long confinement, and these letters have helped me to keep going !!

Aujourd'hui vous allez pouvoir vous promener ... ENFIN ! ... avec Topsy and Tim qui vont vous montrer leur CLASSROOM en angleterre.

Il y a encore des jeux et des exercices à faire...and as usual ... à votre rythme ... quand vous pouvez/voulez !



Have a lovely afternoon, and a superduper long weekend



Hello Ste Marie Families

How are you all ? It's been a long, long time in confinement ! It's already the month of May, so attached is the Calendar for your boys and girls to colour.

Vous allez trouver encore des chansons, jeux, exercises sur learnenglishkids.

Aujourd'hui on utilise beaucoup le verbe CAN ! Déjà étudié en CM1 ! EASYPEASY j'entends. C'est le fameux I CAN ,YOU CAN, HE CAN, SHE CAN, IT CAN, WE CAN , YOU CAN, THEY CAN !!

So .. can we begin ?

1.THE GRAMMAR / EXERCISES / TEST https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/grammar-practice/modals-can-and-cant

2. THE CHANT https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/grammar-chants/i-can-paint

3. THE SONGS https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/songs/i-can-run https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/songs/i-can-sing-rainbow

4. THE WORD OF THE DAY Vidéo https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/fr/word-the-week/password

Bien sur les inscrits à l'examen de Cambridge savent que c'est dans leur intérêt de tout faire !

Take Care

Thinking of you


Un peu de grammaire : 

BONUS for "Happy Easter" 

Just in case it rains during holidays and you can't go out, well .....here's something to do on the subject of .... yes, you've guessed it EASTER !


Some games vocabulary wordsearch worksheets

https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/easter and ...

a little video Story Speak and Spell


Take care

Speak to you soon


Hello Mummies and Daddies

It's going to be hot !

Attached is letter number 12 .... with 2 links to the British Council Website.

Ce travail n'est pas obligatoire... à vous de voir ... il y a tant de choses proposées. Je vous y dirige car par rapport à ma lettre c'est intéressant de lire ...tout simplement. Surtout pour les grands qui vont en sixième.

Pour la chanson de l'alphabet .. rigolote pour les petits ... utile même pour les élèves de Cambridge qui vont avoir besoin d'écrire des mots sous la dictée.

Toujours à votre écoute



Link number one http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/grammar-practice/going-plans

Link number two https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/fr/songs/the-alphabet-song
Hello Mummies and Daddies

Here's Letter 10 ! And attached is the calendar for the month of April that I completely forgot last week !

J'ai l'habitude de faire un calendrier chaque mois pour le cahier d'anglais et la salle d'anglais. C'est notre repère dans le temps ... savoir quel jour ils ont anglais,

LESSON 1 : Thursday 31st of March

Hello Mummies and Daddies

It's me again on this rainy Monday in March
Attached is my keep in touch letter for your boys and girls.
PLUS a vocabulary worksheet about the photograph of Christine's garden ( Used with her kind permission of course)
Ce  worksheet  fait réviser le vocabulaire déjà vu avec CHRISTINE'S GARDEN WORDSEARCH.
Et ... en parlant de jardin ... here's a  NURSERY  RHYME to watch and listen to for the younger children on the BBC .
And here's one everybody can sing ... THE HELLO SONG ...enjoy and,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g5JDcJ4WxY      (Sorry this one is on youtube ! )

LESSON 2 : THURSDAY 2nd of April : 

Thursday, 26th March 2020.

Hello, Heather HERE !

Boys and girls,
Today is Thursday. Yesterday was Wednesday.
No school on Wednesday ! Do you remember the colour of these
days on our calendar in the English classroom ? That's right …
Wednesday is yellow, and Thursday is green.
Yesterday I prepared a wordsearch worksheet for
you to revise the words on the Germs Poster I shared with you.
You can revise the words on the Germs Worksheet with it.
There are pictures to colour on it too.
I think about you every day. I hope I will see you
in my classroom soon. I prefer to see your beautiful smiling
faces than my ugly computer screen !
Keep in touch.
Take care,

P.S. Now it's time to do the Comprehension Worksheet. When you have finished you can check your ANSWERS with the correction at the bottom of the page.

Letter 4 26/03/2020
1. What day is it today ?
2. What's the date today ?
3. Is Thursday yellow or green ?
4. Which day is yellow ?
5. Do you prefer Wednesday or Thursday ?
6. How do you say IMAGES in English ?
7. What is the opposite of BEAUTIFUL ?
8. What is a SCREEN in French ?
9. What does REVISE mean ?
10. Where are you now ?

1.It's Thursday. 2.It's the 26th of March, twenty twenty. 3.It's green.
4.Wednesday. 5.I prefer... 6.Pictures. 7.Ugly. 8.Un écran. 9.Réviser.
10.I am/I'm...at home/at my house/in my garden/in my living room/in my
bedroom/on my balcony. etc etc

Don't forget to open the attached worksheet to revise
the vocabulary on the GERMS POSTER/WORKSHEET !

"Hello Mummies and Daddies of CM1 and CM2 pupils.
Je viens vers vous pour partager un lien sûr que même les élèves qui ne préparent pas l'examen de CAMBRIDGE peuvent trouver intéressant."

Hello, Heather Here!
Boys and girls,
                   No school again today. No school since last Friday. How are you ? Are you happy in your house with your family?
                   I am at my house in Bordeaux. I am not in England. I am not at school. I prefer school, but the Government says  «DON'T GO OUTSIDE»  so I stay inside.
                   I'm writing to you all, because I am sure you have lots of  Maths / French / History / Geography worksheets from your class teacher to do.
                   My letter is short, but I'm going to ask you some questions about it after.
                     Thinking of you,

P.S. I know the pupils of the Maternelle cannot read,
       but mummies, daddies, sisters and brothers can read
       to them.

       Now look at the Comprehension Worksheet to
       see how much you understand.
    Letter 1    19/03/2020

1   How do you  say  vendredi  in English ?

2   Is Heather in England ?

3   Where is Heather ?

4   What is the opposite of SHORT ?

5   How do you say  READ  in French ?

6   What does  THINKING OF YOU  mean ?

7   What is the singular of  MUMMIES  ?

8   Does HAPPY  mean  heureux or triste ?

9   What is the opposite of  OUTSIDE ?

10  How many questions are there ?


                                                 ANSWERS :
1. Friday.  2. No !  3. In Bordeaux.  4. Long.  5. Lire.  6. Pensant à vous
7. Mummy  8. Heureux.  9. Inside.  10. 10 ! 

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